Simulation types

Interactive simulation

Interactive simulation emulates an oscilloscope. It performs a time-domain (transient) simulation and runs until paused or stopped. Probes are needed to show graph data. 

If you start interactive simulation from the schematic, the schematic remains visible, letting you monitor the output from placed probes. 

You can also toggle Interactive components such as switches on and off while simulating, and observe changes.

Transient simulation 

Computes the circuit's response as a function of time. Stops after a set time. 

Interactive components are also accessible during transient simulation. 

To edit transient simulation parameters, select an empty area of the schematic, tap or click configuration, and expand Simulation settings. 

AC sweep simulation

Calculates the frequency response of linear circuits. 

To edit AC simulation parameters, select an empty area of the schematic, tap or click configuration, and expand Simulation settings. 

DC operating point simulation

Determines  the DC operating point, also known as the bias point, of a circuit. This is the steady-state voltage or current at a specified pin of an active device with no input signal applied. 

If you start DC operating point simulation from the schematic, the schematic remains visible. 

The time-varying behavior of all capacitors, inductors, and independent sources is ignored. Capacitors are treated as open circuits and inductors are treated as short circuits.

There are no user-adjustable settings for DC operating point simulation. 

DC sweep simulation

DC sweep performs a sequence of DC operating point simulations, changing the voltage or current of a selected source in predefined steps over a range of values. 

An optional second source can also be used to run a nested sweep - useful for measuring a transistor's I-V curves. 

Parameter sweep

Parameter sweep runs a series of simulations, as a selected parameter in the circuit is varied for each simulation run. 

Related information
Interactive simulation
Transient simulation
AC sweep 
DC operating point 
DC sweep 
Parameter sweep